Baking by Phone

 I remember several years ago when I lived in Fargo. Computers were new-not everyone had one. Cell phones were dreams only developers had. It was one of those dreary Saturday or Sunday afternoons I was hangin out in my apartment cleaning, watching movies and on this particular day, baking fudge brownies. Now I'm not an experienced cook by any means but these brownies were going to be the cure for my munchies. Peering through the tarnished oven door wondering if they were done, the phone rings. I could tell it was a much older lady as she asked for so-and-so. I politely told her she had the wrong number but, "I am baking brownies. Can you tell me how to tell if they're done or not?" "Why yes", was her reply. "Stick a fork or toothpick in the center and if it comes out clean, the brownies are done."
No names were exchanged. Nothing else was said. We hung up, both feeling a little better than moments before. Sometimes it really is the small things that make a difference.

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